Kenya Study Visit to Stockholm

Bearing Group have this week hosted a senior delegation from the City of Nairobi, the Kenyan Railway Corporation and the Kenyan Government to a study visit to Stockholm in Sweden. Following on from the successful conference at Naivasha Lakes during May 2015, the study visit to Stockholm focused on looking at how the Swedish transport… Continue reading Kenya Study Visit to Stockholm

Global Impact of Climate Change

The World Bank has published a report on climate change, titled “Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate Normal”, which is available at this link. New scientific analysis examines the likely impacts of present day (0.8°C), 2°C and 4°C warming above pre-industrial temperatures on agricultural production, water resources, ecosystem services, and coastal vulnerability for… Continue reading Global Impact of Climate Change

The Tipping Point of Advantages in Urbanisation

It is a well-known fact that urbanisation and poverty levels are linked. This summer, The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have published the annual Global Monitoring Report, which shows that the advantages of urbanisation set in only after it has reached a critical level. According to the report, countries with urbanisation rates… Continue reading The Tipping Point of Advantages in Urbanisation

Innovation Policy for Developing Countries

The World Bank has published a book titled Innovation Policy – A Guide for Developing Countries, which offers a detailed conceptual framework for understanding and learning about technology innovation policies and programs and their implementation in different countries. Innovation in all its forms, particularly technological innovation, has become a crucial driver of growth, enhancing competitiveness… Continue reading Innovation Policy for Developing Countries