After Croatian accession to the EU in July 2013, the goal of achieving good growth rates and sustainable development, as well as reduction in income differences as compared to the EU average, will require overcoming socio-economic challenges, such as building a stable and competitive economy, positive demographic, lower socio-economic differences, a successful environmental policy, promoting… Continue reading Vucedol – New Growth From Ancient Culture
Tag: Vucedol
Chemistry Inventions that Enabled the Modern World
I suppose that the first chemists seemed to be very hard-hearted and unpoetical persons when they scouted the glorious dream of the alchemists that there must be some process for turning base metals into gold. – W.G. Sumner, US Sociologist and teacher, 1840 – 1910 Chemistry is about the composition, structure, properties and interactions of… Continue reading Chemistry Inventions that Enabled the Modern World