Uppsala Place Brand Analysis

A team from Bearing has over the past two months worked on analysis and recommendations for an updated place brand for the city of Uppsala in Sweden, and today we delivered our report. The assignment has been a follow-on from a strategy  analysis project which we are working on for Uppsala county and Uppsala city… Continue reading Uppsala Place Brand Analysis

Place Brand and Management Training in Uppsala

Bearing had the opportunity to give a  Place Brand and Management training session for the political leadership in the city of Uppsala in Sweden this week. The half day session was highly appreciated and we shared methodology and tools with the participants, and ignited a very interesting dialogue about the vision and opportunities of the… Continue reading Place Brand and Management Training in Uppsala

The Strategy Potential of Uppsala City

This week, Bearing has delivered a strategy report to the Swedish city of Uppsala. The report is an interim delivery in the Uppsala county RIK strategy development project, which aims to prepare for a new regional development strategy to be decided in 2016. On the macro level and in the context of competitive smart specialisation,… Continue reading The Strategy Potential of Uppsala City

Place Branding of Uppsala

Bearing has won a contract to analyse and recommend the components of an updated place brand for the city of Uppsala in Sweden. This is a follow-on assignment from the strategy  analysis project which we are working on for Uppsala county and Uppsala city since January this year. The global competition of cities is estimated… Continue reading Place Branding of Uppsala

Place Management Success in Uppsala

Bearing have this afternoon completed a successful 24 hour Place Management training session with the key senior representatives from the Uppsala Region who are instrumental in developing the updated regional development plan. Taking place at the magnificent 14th century Viks Castle (Wiks Slott) in Uppland, a historical province on the eastern coast of Sweden, the… Continue reading Place Management Success in Uppsala

Uppsala County Growth Strategy Development

Uppsala county in Sweden, directly north of the capital city Stockholm, is with 350,000 inhabitants one of the fastest growing of Sweden’s 21 regions. In this exciting place, Bearing has won a project to help prepare the regions development strategies for the future. In 2015, the work of developing a new regional development strategy (RUS)… Continue reading Uppsala County Growth Strategy Development

Uppsala Campus Ultuna

In 2014, Bearing carried out a feasibility study for Regionförbundet Uppsala Län in Sweden for the development of Campus Ultuna. Located outside of Uppsala, the campus is in a region which is known as a business and research hub for life sciences. Ultuna is the location of the headquarters and the main site of the… Continue reading Uppsala Campus Ultuna