All Roads Lead to Rome

In the past three months, I have been working on a project for the city of Pula in Istria. The project is a feasibility study for the Pula Kulturring initiative, which aims to rehabilitate and promote the main cultural heritage of Pula within one innovative place brand, including the historic sites on the stretch between… Continue reading All Roads Lead to Rome

Croatia: An Odyssey of European Success

We from Bearing have been actively involved with projects in Croatia since 2012, before the country’s ascension to the European Union on the 1st July 2013. Given our long experience of working with innovation, integrated projects and European Union funding, we were invited to provide support and expertise in getting the country ready for EU… Continue reading Croatia: An Odyssey of European Success

Film under the Stars in Pula

The Film festival phenomena has its roots in the post-World War II era when European place managers pushed for development of cultural events to push for local development and also to counteract the geopolitical situation. Many of them have become annually recurring events. Over time, film festivals developed into an important tool for place branding,… Continue reading Film under the Stars in Pula