Disruptive Innovation in the Payment Industry

Over recent years the financial sector has confronted a dramatic increase in innovation in technology, services, and platforms and to some degree in organisational structure. The need to innovate is broadly-based and not just a financial sector challenge. Typically in financial services, as in most other sectors in todays world of increasing hyper competition, there is… Continue reading Disruptive Innovation in the Payment Industry

SEPA end-date regulation – a strong driver for payment innovation

When the European Parliament passed the “single Euro payments area” legislation on Tuesday, it was an important milestone in creating a unified, European, payment market. The, somewhat, voluntary implementation of SEPA Credit Transfers, SCT, and SEPA Direct Debits, SDD, by the European banks was a corner stone, but the slow adaptation of the new products… Continue reading SEPA end-date regulation – a strong driver for payment innovation