MIPIM – Real Estate Heaven in Cannes

During MIPIM, an overall impressive international property event hosted in Cannes for the 25th consecutive year last week, what struck me the most was a statement by one of Bearing’s partners who works with real estate development since the mid 80s. This sole event, he said, is enough to provide him with a year’s worth… Continue reading MIPIM – Real Estate Heaven in Cannes

MIPIM luncheon about Challenges in a Time of Globalisation

Driven by globalisation, we now live in hyper competitive global markets. This means markets not only for products and services but also for places and cities. The global competition of cities is estimated to host 2,7 million towns, 3 thousand large cities and 455 large metropolitan areas with a population over one million. All of… Continue reading MIPIM luncheon about Challenges in a Time of Globalisation