Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – King’s Cross, London

With this article I will be starting a new series of posts, which will analyse several innovative multimodal transport and railway systems across the world. Efficient transport and logistics solutions are becoming increasingly important in areas with high population growth and new innovative solutions are developed to fill the needs for efficiently working transport hubs.… Continue reading Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – King’s Cross, London

London–The Greatest City of them All

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” – Samuel Johnson (notable scholar) On September 30th, Financial Times published a supplement about London and the World. It is a highly-readable set of texts about the unofficial capital of globalisation. As one of the authors write in an article “Its restaurants, its… Continue reading London–The Greatest City of them All

New internet data speed record

The internet has this week broken another speed record through innovation by testing and proving that 1.4 terabits of data per second can be transferred over existing core fibre infrastructure. The tests were successfully carried out by BT and Alcatel-Lucent on a 410km testbed between London’s iconic BT Telecom Tower and the Adastral Park research… Continue reading New internet data speed record