Talent Strategies for the Post-Loyalty World

Globalisation and hyper competition brings increasing pressure on organisations in the world’s advanced economies. For years, serious forecasting institutes such as the International Labour Organisation have predicted fewer jobs and more social unrest. At the same time,  income inequalities are rising as middle-income groups are shrinking due to rising long-term unemployment, weakening job quality and… Continue reading Talent Strategies for the Post-Loyalty World

The Five Characteristics of Successful Innovators

There is not much agreement about what makes an idea innovative, and what makes an innovative idea valuable. We have written about these controversies before on this blog. What we do know is that creativity, knowledge and sound judgment are key components in coming up with innovative ideas. However creativity alone is not sufficient. Innovation… Continue reading The Five Characteristics of Successful Innovators

What business can learn from organized crime and 2500 years old Chinese art of war

The thought might be provoking; however, organized crimes and Chinese art of war have things in common and might serve as inspiration for modern business strategies in order to cope with today’s hypercompetitive markets. The idea that business can learn from the unseemly related subjects is intriguing and highly relevant. Sun Tzu and other more… Continue reading What business can learn from organized crime and 2500 years old Chinese art of war