Innovation Navigator for Venture Capital firms

A week ago I went to a High School reunion, good fun meeting people I have not seen since last reunion. After the dinner I had a good discussion with a guy that had worked for a VC company for many years. We discussed DD processes and all the pitfalls investors might fall into, since… Continue reading Innovation Navigator for Venture Capital firms

Elevate Sweden and Scandinavia with Lean Startups

MORE ACTION Sweden and Scandinavia is innovating with a goal-oriented leadership and open environments. That is good, but to maximize the innovation power Sweden and the Scandinavian countries need to add a little bit of MacGyver. For some time, we have measured and evaluated a large number of companies’ and organizations’ innovation ability with a… Continue reading Elevate Sweden and Scandinavia with Lean Startups

How increased interest open opportunities for countries like Sweden

At the moment many Swedish manufacture plants are bought by BRIC players which are an interesting phenomenon as the interest is increasing meaning that there are reasons beyond low interest here. Historically European countries like Sweden has had a low interest which has lead to investments in automated manufacturing plants competitive with labor intensive manufacturer… Continue reading How increased interest open opportunities for countries like Sweden

Talent Management at work

It is a lot of focus on Talent Management at the moment, and if you ask me it is possible the most important source of success in a globalized world full of possibilities and treats. Today the world is highly competitive, less borders and super-fast mechanisms for transmissions of best practice, knowledge and competences. Innovation… Continue reading Talent Management at work