The Ideal City by Fra Carnevale, c. between 1480-1484. The Ideal City is a 15th-century painting usually attributed to the architect and artist Fra Carnavale. It was most likely executed for the Ducal Palace of Urbino, commissioned by Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. The Duke was one of the most successful condottieri of the… Continue reading The Worlds Most Beautiful Cities
Tag: Forbes
What Did The Innovator’s Dilemma Get Wrong?
Back in 1997, Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen’s book The Innovators Dilemma suggested that successful companies can put too much emphasis on customers’ current needs, and fail to adopt new technology or business models that will meet customers’ unstated or future needs. He argued that such companies will eventually fall behind newcomers to the industry which… Continue reading What Did The Innovator’s Dilemma Get Wrong?
Seven New Innovative Products from Africa
In Africa an educated middle class is rising, brimming with a new generation of bold, creative-thinking innovators and entrepreneurs who are constantly inventing and developing new solutions. This week there is an article in Forbes Magazine about seven innovative products we should know about. The seven innovations are (1) a breakthrough navigational aid tool for… Continue reading Seven New Innovative Products from Africa
Why large multinationals can´t innovate
On Sunday this week, there was an interesting article on the Opinion pages in New York Times, about why the private sector is stagnating and getting increasingly less prone to succeed with breakthrough innovations. The article was written by the 2006 Nobel prize winner in Economics, Professor Edmund S. Phelps and is titled “Less Innovation,… Continue reading Why large multinationals can´t innovate