Cleaning up high energy appliances in Europe

An intriguing piece of European Union legislation came into force earlier this week which will affect every home across Europe. From 1st September 2014, it now illegal to manufacture or import vacuum cleaners into the European Union which are above 1600 watts in power. The new EU directive is targeting high power appliances which are… Continue reading Cleaning up high energy appliances in Europe

Dambisa Moyo on the state of the World

The economist Dambisa Moyo recently made a TED Talk where she argues how China can be a role model for how the west and the rest can collaborate. She makes the case that the west can not afford to rest on its laurels and imagine others will blindly follow. Instead, she says, a different model… Continue reading Dambisa Moyo on the state of the World

The Moser Lamp: Daylight For All

I enjoy reading about innovative solutions to existing problems, especially when the idea is incredibly simple and can bring significant living benefits to millions of people worldwide. This blog is about one such success story. Alfredo Moser is a little know Brazilian mechanic who struck upon an innovative idea during one of the many blackouts… Continue reading The Moser Lamp: Daylight For All

United Kingdom is ahead in business climate

What do inventions such as the typewriter,  the World Wide Web, DNA fingerprinting (and the DNA database), the microchip, lasagna and the rubber band have in common? They were all invented in the United Kingdom. When considering where to look for (or start) new business opportunities, the first places which come to my mind are… Continue reading United Kingdom is ahead in business climate

Resources – Rethink in Iraq

As in any post war conflict country, resource/waste management is a task that requires systematic and long term thinking and is not always best managed by profit seeking corporations though good exceptions to that rule exists and many more will come. When changing a mindset of a whole nation towards resource use, one must obviously… Continue reading Resources – Rethink in Iraq

SymbioCity conference in Kenya

On the 20th and 21st November I attended a conference organised by the Swedish Trade Council in Nairobi and spoke about project finance on the second day. The conference was held at the Laico Regency Hotel, it was very well organised and attended and the talks very interesting. Mr Björn Häggmark, the Chargé d’Affaires at… Continue reading SymbioCity conference in Kenya

Innovate Your Brain

In todays (2012-11-22) Stockholm edition of the daily newspaper Metro, the author and freelance free-marketeer Johan Norberg writes a column called "Do not marry rich – marry smart" in which he discuss todays society when it comes to stimulus and input. In short he explains that the IQ-levels, measured from the abstract thinking tests, have… Continue reading Innovate Your Brain

Compliance and Ethics in Investment Banking

Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was an American industrialist, being the  founder of the iron and steel industry in the United States. He was also a philanthropist. At the age of 33, when he had an annual income of $50,000, Carnegie wrote himself a note, “Beyond this never earn, make no effort to increase fortune, but spend… Continue reading Compliance and Ethics in Investment Banking

The hidden resource that will bring Europe back in Business

The root of the financial situation of Europe is an unrealistic idea of how competiveness is created. It is locally created based on comparative advantages possible to elaborate and develop into a sustainable and profitable growth. Read more in our new trend watch (Swedish only)