United Kingdom is ahead in business climate

What do inventions such as the typewriter,  the World Wide Web, DNA fingerprinting (and the DNA database), the microchip, lasagna and the rubber band have in common? They were all invented in the United Kingdom. When considering where to look for (or start) new business opportunities, the first places which come to my mind are… Continue reading United Kingdom is ahead in business climate

Intercultural Challenges–How Can We Work Together?

In the old days, the definition of an international company used to be that of an enterprise which exported and perhaps had sales subsidiaries outside its home market. It was rare – except at the big well-known multinationals – to have foreign colleagues in the office corridors. Everyone understood his or her fellow workmates when… Continue reading Intercultural Challenges–How Can We Work Together?

Putting a dent in the universe and the art of selling dreams

Apple would probably not be Apple without Steve Jobs. I began my series on business leaders and entrepreneurs last week with the notion that a company’s HR efforts should be performed to ensure the  flow and thus create a culture that enhances the success of the business idea. Apple, which Steve Jobs personified, is in… Continue reading Putting a dent in the universe and the art of selling dreams

Seminar in Jönköping on how to attract the best talents

Bearing Consulting will give a seminar about Social Recruiting for special guests on the 12th of June at City Hotel Familjen Ericsson  in Jönköping. The hunt for talent is today a harsh reality for most executives, which have been one of the topics covered in previous blog posts. To work strategically with Talent Management –… Continue reading Seminar in Jönköping on how to attract the best talents

Unique seminars about how to attract the best talents

The hunt for talent is today a harsh reality for most executives, which have been one of the topics covered in previous blog posts. To work strategically with Talent Management – to attract, retain and develop, has become imperative to be in the forefront of your competitors. It is all about getting the right people… Continue reading Unique seminars about how to attract the best talents

Innovation Starts with the People

If an organization is aiming to be innovative and at the forefront, its Innovation and HR strategies should be integrated to ensure development and progress. Short-term as well as long-term. Changed conditions for competitiveness Today, most companies live in a reality characterized by rapid changes in all from demand to technological solutions. Recently, there was… Continue reading Innovation Starts with the People

Innovation Management for the luxury goods industry

Today Magnus Penker, Jörgen Eriksson and Richard Shaw from Bearing gave a seminar in innovation management for the luxury goods industry for the Luxury goods stream in the MBA class at the International University of Monaco. If you are interested, the presentation is available below. [slideshare id=11656469&doc=innovationmanagementmagnuspenker2012-universityofmonacoluxurygoodsprogram-120219024339-phpapp01]

Talent Management at work

It is a lot of focus on Talent Management at the moment, and if you ask me it is possible the most important source of success in a globalized world full of possibilities and treats. Today the world is highly competitive, less borders and super-fast mechanisms for transmissions of best practice, knowledge and competences. Innovation… Continue reading Talent Management at work