Croatia – Update on EU OPs and project funding calls

Today, 50 consultancy firms and about 70 other companies were invited to a EU information event that was organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb. It was an occasion to follow the news on how the EU Finances are going to be used in the next financial period, more specifically in 2015 within… Continue reading Croatia – Update on EU OPs and project funding calls

Cleaning up high energy appliances in Europe

An intriguing piece of European Union legislation came into force earlier this week which will affect every home across Europe. From 1st September 2014, it now illegal to manufacture or import vacuum cleaners into the European Union which are above 1600 watts in power. The new EU directive is targeting high power appliances which are… Continue reading Cleaning up high energy appliances in Europe

Lean is about Values–Principles–Methods–Tools

Lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, or lean production, often simply, "Lean", is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. Working from the perspective of the customer who consumes a product or service,… Continue reading Lean is about Values–Principles–Methods–Tools