An intriguing piece of European Union legislation came into force earlier this week which will affect every home across Europe. From 1st September 2014, it now illegal to manufacture or import vacuum cleaners into the European Union which are above 1600 watts in power. The new EU directive is targeting high power appliances which are… Continue reading Cleaning up high energy appliances in Europe
Category: Offshoring &Outsourcing
How increased interest open opportunities for countries like Sweden
At the moment many Swedish manufacture plants are bought by BRIC players which are an interesting phenomenon as the interest is increasing meaning that there are reasons beyond low interest here. Historically European countries like Sweden has had a low interest which has lead to investments in automated manufacturing plants competitive with labor intensive manufacturer… Continue reading How increased interest open opportunities for countries like Sweden
Enter the O-Desk, next level of entrepreneurship
Today I will share a recent happening but before that some words about trust. Trust can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional or transformational meaning that ether you have trust or not in your business partners (one-dimensional) or you can have both trust and distrust at the same time (two-dimensional) and an evolving trust, the transformational trust theory,… Continue reading Enter the O-Desk, next level of entrepreneurship
The Indian IT wonder has become an old dinosaur – giving new entrepreneurial possibilities
Having invested in, worked with, sold and project lead Indian IT projects, I can state that Offshoring is here to stay. But not in the hands of Indian large companies, and nether to be used as a strategic tool by waver European business leaders. De Jure, outsourcing and offshoring, is about creating a flexible organization… Continue reading The Indian IT wonder has become an old dinosaur – giving new entrepreneurial possibilities
Is the Indian IT miracle over?
Driving back and forth to you job in Munbai is like smoking a packaged of cigarettes, and nothing become better. Indian government spend 17 dollar per capita and year in infrastructure while China spend 116 dollar. The Indian mentality is pretty much having a back-up plan for the back-up plan while China is straighter forward, which… Continue reading Is the Indian IT miracle over?