The Rise of the Robots in the Financial Industry

In financial markets, automated trading has been around for many years. Software such as the ORC Liquidator allows automated trading engines for derivatives. Trading firms and banks rely on ORC Liquidator and similar software to automate a wide variety of sophisticated trading strategies on trading venues globally. Algorithmic trading is designed to react extremely quickly… Continue reading The Rise of the Robots in the Financial Industry

Development of Al-Alamein in Egypt

“Now this is not the end; it is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” – Winston Churchill, November 1942 Al-Alamein is a town in northern Egypt, located on the Mediterranean Sea 106 kilometres west of Alexandria and 240 kilometres northwest of Cairo.  For most of… Continue reading Development of Al-Alamein in Egypt

Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – An Overview

Dear readers, a few months ago we have started a series of articles about multimodal transport and railway systems with a post about King´s Cross station in London. Since then we have published seven more articles, and today we finish the series with this summary overview. The articles in the series are dedicated to analysing … Continue reading Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – An Overview

Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – Arlanda Express

Arlanda Express is a public-private partnership purpose built rail link between Stockholm Central Station and Arlanda Airport in Sweden. It takes 20 minutes to travel the 39 kilometre line. Plans for an airport rail link from the central business district of Stockholm and the airport was launched in the early 1980s and Arlanda Express was… Continue reading Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems – Arlanda Express

How Sao Paolo uses Value Capture to Raise Billions for Infrastructure

The infrastructure in many cities lags behind the population’s needs. This is a major challenge for city governments in both emerging, high-growth places and industrialised nations with low growth and less public funding to replace aging public spaces and utilities. The on-going rebalancing of global economic power has led to unprecedented investment plans in infrastructure… Continue reading How Sao Paolo uses Value Capture to Raise Billions for Infrastructure

Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems- Europabanan and Götalandsbanan

High Speed Rails in Sweden This article is about two new high speed rail project in Sweden, Europabanan and Götalandsbanan. Sweden is located in northern Europe, and is not just one of Europe’s largest countries measured by size, but also the largest market in the Nordic region. In the region, which in total is made… Continue reading Multimodal Transport and Railway Systems- Europabanan and Götalandsbanan

The Global Minotaur

“Had history been democratic in its ways, there would have been no farming and no industrial revolution. Both leaps into the future were occasioned by unbearably painful crises that made most people wish they could recoil into the past.” ― Yanis Varoufakis, The Global Minotaur, 2011 Two weeks ago, on July 6th, the Greek finance… Continue reading The Global Minotaur

The Future of Financial Services

The World Economic Forum have issued a new report on the Future of Financial Services. The report is very well written, and well aligned with projects we have done at Bearing for SWIFT and also new research on fintech clusters. For decades, banks, insurance companies and other asset managers have employed the same relatively static,… Continue reading The Future of Financial Services

Decision on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)

In November 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker presented an investment plan for Europe, to boost investments by using public funds to gain confidence and investments from private sector investors. The plan aimed to address the dramatic fall in investment affecting Europe since the beginning of the great recession, which has been a significant brake on growth and… Continue reading Decision on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)