Yesterday, the recently elected social democrat-green government in my native Sweden collapsed after two months in power and a snap election was announced to take place on March 22nd 2015. The crises comes after the new government tried to rule in minority in the parliament, as a populist party won 13% of the vote in… Continue reading Swedish government crises and how to measure well-being in society
Category: European Union
Croatia – Update on EU OPs and project funding calls
Today, 50 consultancy firms and about 70 other companies were invited to a EU information event that was organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Zagreb. It was an occasion to follow the news on how the EU Finances are going to be used in the next financial period, more specifically in 2015 within… Continue reading Croatia – Update on EU OPs and project funding calls
European Regional Competitiveness Scoreboard
Smart Specialisation or RIS3 (Research and Innovation strategies for Smart Specialisation) is a strategic approach to economic development through targeted support for research and innovation. It involves a process of developing a vision, identifying regionally based areas of greatest strategic potential, developing multi-stakeholder governance mechanisms, setting strategic priorities and using smart policies to maximize the… Continue reading European Regional Competitiveness Scoreboard
European Union Economic Forecast
The European Commission’s autumn forecast projects weak economic growth for the rest of this year in both the EU and the euro area. In the course of 2015, a gradual strengthening of economic activity is expected and growth is projected to rise further in 2016. All EU countries are set to register positive growth in… Continue reading European Union Economic Forecast
Poland – On the Trail of the EU Funds
Economic data suggests that membership in the European Union has been good for Poland. With much of Europe still struggling to recover from the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, Poland stands out as an unlikely island of economic success, a place where companies and individuals plan for growth rather than decline. In 2009, when… Continue reading Poland – On the Trail of the EU Funds
The new European Commission and what it means
For the next five years, the European Union will be headed by a European Commission led by Jean-Claude Juncker, who was previously Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1995 to 2013. The election of the new European Commission and the regulations about the EC constitution “Setting Europe in Motion…. to deliver quickly and effectively“, that is… Continue reading The new European Commission and what it means
Guide on EU Funding 2014-2020 for the Tourism Sector
This week the EU commission has published a Guide on EU funding 2014-2020 for the Tourism Sector. Over recent decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Modern tourism is closely linked to development and the sector is a key driver for… Continue reading Guide on EU Funding 2014-2020 for the Tourism Sector
Place Management and The Science of Persuasion
The Place Management Challenge In our work with places and regions, Place Management is a key factor to achieve positive development in towns, cities, regions, science parks, innovation districts and other places. Place Management deals with professional management and direction for regional and local growth. As far as we know, the topic of Place Management… Continue reading Place Management and The Science of Persuasion
People meet in different situations for different reasons. If we question ourselves is that networking, then yes probably it is. Usually people are trying to be close to those who provide them certain fulfilment of their needs. This may sound selfish, but in its basic nature, it is all about that. In business activities, networking… Continue reading Networking
One thousand years of border changes in Europe
A referendum on whether Scotland will remain in the United Kingdom, or become an independent country will take place on Thursday 18 September. In recent weeks the independence movement have gained momentum and may actually win. However no matter if the United Kingdom breaks apart or remains united, all parts of the UK will remain… Continue reading One thousand years of border changes in Europe