Do clusters of competence really matter?

In a world of increasing mobility of goods, people and ideas, do clusters of competencies n cities and regions really matter? This was the question DG Enterprise in the European Commission asked last year. Key experts in Bearing answered this question in a study for the commission and Jan Annerstedt, Professor at Copenhagen Business School… Continue reading Do clusters of competence really matter?

The Competitive Advantage of Nations

‘”Michael Porter reaches his conclusions the old fashioned way: he earns them through solid research. The lessons of the book are sharp and deep.” – Robert M. Solow, Nobel Laureate in Economics, MIT National prosperity is created, not inherited. It does not grow out of a country’s natural endowments, its labor pool, its interest rates,… Continue reading The Competitive Advantage of Nations

Digital Collaboration Arenas

“The strength of the enhancing system depends greatly on an array of intangible assets. These include the internal dynamic of the regional, socio-cultural, and political assets; the informal flow of knowledge between different parties generating the bulk of territorialized externalities; and the opportunities for the region to build and keep its distinctive competence” (Michael Storper… Continue reading Digital Collaboration Arenas