Decision on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)

In November 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker presented an investment plan for Europe, to boost investments by using public funds to gain confidence and investments from private sector investors. The plan aimed to address the dramatic fall in investment affecting Europe since the beginning of the great recession, which has been a significant brake on growth and… Continue reading Decision on the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)

Summer Reading List – Inspired by Greece

One of my first acts when I wake up in the morning is to check the latest with BBC news on my iPhone. As most mornings this summer, I woke up with headline news about the Greek debt crises. Not surprisingly, the European Union´s finance ministers could not agree on a new Greek bailout last… Continue reading Summer Reading List – Inspired by Greece

Innovation in Retail Payments

The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) recently published a report called ”Innovations in retail payments”. Based on a fact-finding exercise among 30 central banks, 122 innovations were identified and categorised. From that exercise, five major trends were derived: In view of the considerable number of new developments, the market is dynamic. However, only… Continue reading Innovation in Retail Payments

The Trichet understanding

Today in the Financial Times there is a very interesting interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, the former President of the European Central Bank. In the interview Jean-Claude Trichet recalls his eight years running the ECB and explains his own understanding of the current crises. According to Trichet, we are currently in the third episode of the… Continue reading The Trichet understanding