European Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum 2012 in Geneva

The annual Family Office & Private Wealth Conference explores the challenges and opportunities associated with investing in emerging markets, alternative investments, real estate, direct energy and numerous other asset classes. It also addresses many of the softer issues related to this, such as tax and regulation, asset protection, philanthropy, structuring a family office, and many… Continue reading European Family Office & Private Wealth Management Forum 2012 in Geneva

The marathon runner

Last week I met Douglas Wakiihuri for breakfast. He is a marathon runner who won his first world championship in Rome in 1987 at the age of 23. Thereafter followed a string of victories. Someone at the breakfast table asked him how fast he runs the Marathon now, 25 years later. Wakiihuri said he runs… Continue reading The marathon runner

Kenya into the knowledge economy

In the past 48 hours I have got a glimpse of the reality of recent economic development in eastern Africa, and it is impressive. It has been some years since I was in Nairobi last time and what I found this time shows the power of rapid economic growth combined with a young populations ability… Continue reading Kenya into the knowledge economy

Five design Elements for Successful Development of Science Parks

At the moment, May 2012, there are 388 science parks in the world. Almost all of them have been established during the recent 30 years. Clearly, science parks are an important component in the development of the knowledge economy and thereby sustainable economic growth. Based on our general experience from many innovation system projects we… Continue reading Five design Elements for Successful Development of Science Parks

Private Equity World Africa 2012

Between the 19th and the 21st March I attended the Private Equity World Africa 2012 conference at One Whitehall Place in London. I was amazed at the turn out to the event. The room that the conference was held in was packed and only five years ago it would not have been viable to arrange… Continue reading Private Equity World Africa 2012

Banking Outlook Africa 2010

As in the previous year, Bearing Consulting has sponsored the Banking Outlook Africa conference, which took place at the Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg, July 19-23. To download the program, please click on the link below: Banking Outlook Africa 2010.pdf   A hot topic at the conference was that 230 million households in Africa remain… Continue reading Banking Outlook Africa 2010

African Banking & Financial Institution Seminar

The seminar took place at the La-Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana. The main topics were the direction forward for African banking and financial institutions, addressing an insightful breadth of issues including capitalization, re-capitalization, liquidity, asset quality, regulation (incl. Basel II), risk management, corporate governance and more beyond 2010. Speakers from across the continent… Continue reading African Banking & Financial Institution Seminar

Banking Outlook Africa 2009

During three days (6th to 10th of July) Terrapin arranged the annual Banking Outlook Africa conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Bearing was there, represented by Richard Shaw, Lars Egstam and Jörgen Eriksson. The venue was the impressive Sandton Convention Center. The conference was a high level event with many CEO´s of African Banks attending. This… Continue reading Banking Outlook Africa 2009