Matija Derk on the need for Innovation Environments

Matija Derk speaksMatija Derk is a Senior Advisor with Bearing and has a background as Assistant Minister of Regional Development in Croatia. During his time in Government, he was responsible for preparation of all strategic documents necessary for the use of EU funds in the financial period 2007-2013, as well as in the period 2014-2020. This included preparation of National Strategic Reference Framework and four Operational Programmes (Transport, Environment, Human Resources Development and Regional Competitiveness) and the overall Croatia – EU Partnership Agreement.

During a study tour to Stockholm which we organised for senior delegates from Nairobi, Kenya, last week, Matija gave a presentation about the need and drivers for innovation environments, which can be seen in the video below.

First part of presentation

Matija Derk on the need for innovation environments


Second part of presentation, starting with the challenge of urbanisation

Matija Derk on the need for innovation environments

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