America´s Advanced Industries


The need for economic renewal in the United States remains urgent. Years of disappointing job growth and stagnant incomes for the majority of workers have left the nation shaken and frustrated.

At the same time, the advanced technology sector develops innovations that will shape our future. From advanced robotics and “3-D printing” to the “digitization of everything”, new innovations are provoking genuine excitement even as they make it hard to see where things are going.

Earlier this year, the Brookings Institute released a report on “America’s “advanced industries”. I read the report while waiting for a delayed flight earlier this week. In the report, the institute claims the advanced industries stand out as a vital component for the future of the U.S. economy.

Defined by their deep investment in R&D and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) workers, these industries encompass the nation’s “tech” sector at its broadest and most consequential.

The advanced industries create good jobs in dozens of high-value, high-technology fields including auto making, medical device manufacturing, and energy generation.

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Below is a video about the report, here is a link to the document, and interactive data can be found here.

America´s Advanced Industries

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