Yoel Siegel on how to Initiate Development Projects

Yoel SiegelToday I had the pleasure of watching Dr. Yoel Siegel explain how to initiate urban development projects. I filmed the presentation and it is available to watch here below in a six minutes video.

Dr. Siegel is working with project promotion and facilitation in Community and Regional Development, linking social dynamics with urban/rural economic advancement.

He is currently involved in a variety of projects in Israel, Africa and the Pacific Islands, including public private ventures for developing central business districts and industrial parks, slum transformation in Africa,  Arab – Jewish partnerships for economic development, community-based employment services for rural communities in Israel and strategic development plans for regional municipalities. Apart from this busy agenda, he also teaches Masters level students.

Below is the video of Dr. Siegel’s presentation.

Yoel Siegel on how to Initiate Development Projects

The model explained in the video is in the picture here below.


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