Bearing signs up to United Nations Global Compact

Commitment to UN Global Compact

Global Compact logoOn November 5th, Bearing Group Ltd (the group parent company of Bearing) signed up to UN Global Compact. Being an international consultancy with assignments in both advanced and emerging economies, we have decided to adapt the compact to align our CSR policy with an international framework. Our letter of commitment can be retrieved from this link.

The United Nations Global Compact is a United Nations initiative, formed in 2000,  to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to annually report progress on their implementation. It has two main objectives:

1. Implementation of  ten core principles in business activities around the world.

2. Catalyse actions in support of broader UN goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals.

The programme was initially set up for governments, companies and labour organisations  and it has extended to cities. The UN Global Compact Cities Programme was launched in 2002, as an urban-focused component of the Global Compact and aiming to improve urban life in cities throughout the world. Melbourne became the first city to engage in the Global Compact in June 2001 and there are now over 80 member cities.

The ten core principles

ten principles

Resources and reporting

Global Compact activity report 2013As is required by the framework, we will publish an annual brief on progress in alignment with the the ten principles and in supporting broader UN development goals. The brief will be published here on The Bearing Wave and in a mandatory letter to United Nations.

There are a number of guides published within the Global Compact framework. Below are links to three of them:

Here is a link to Global Compacts Blueprint for Corporate Sustainability Leadership.

Here is a link to Global Compacts Framework for Action Against Corruption.

Here is a link to the Global Compact Activity report for 2013.

Closeup of a business people with hands together

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