This week the EU commission has published a Guide on EU funding 2014-2020 for the Tourism Sector.
Over recent decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and deepening diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Modern tourism is closely linked to development and the sector is a key driver for socio-economic progress.
As the third largest industry sector in Europe, tourism has a wide-ranging impact on economic growth, employment and social development.
The sector involves a diverse range of stakeholders, from governments and public sector agencies to companies, private sector associations, multilateral and inter-governmental organisations and non-profit organisations.
Tourism stakeholders can benefit from EU funding programmes, either directly, via co-financing of projects, or indirectly,via studies or research, surveys, etc. carried out by the Commission through calls for the tourism sector.
There are therefore many EU programmes of potential interest for the sector. The new Multi-Annual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 brings new instructions for how to access funding and it introduces the possibility to support new types of actions focusing for instance on smart specialisation.
The guide clarifies practical questions such as
type of tourism-related actions eligible for funding
type and level of funding
who can apply and how to apply
We in Bearing are at the moment working with Government clients on a number of studies and development of tourism sector related projects in Croatia and Sweden, within the new 2014-2020 framework.