Electric Cars for Western Europe

Elon Musk and TeslaA couple of months ago, I wrote an article about The Rebirth of the Car, and I mentioned Elon Musk´s company Tesla Motors in California as one of the up-and-coming new niche players. Tesla Motor has done many things “right”, from how they work with innovation to how they in June opened up their patent portfolio for competitors and asks for nothing but goodwill in return.

Also Tesla´s product placement seems to work well. I recently heard that Prince Albert of Monaco  has been seen driving a Tesla through my local village. Today there were two news stories related to Tesla, showing the company understands well how to communicate with their customer base.

The first piece of news was all over the major news sites this morning. Two Tesla owners in New Jersey proposed ideas for improvement of the car in a full page advertisement in Palo Alto Daily. Elon Musk listened, and responded favourably from his Twitter account.

10632886_10152628951327801_4392900476061406864_nThe second piece of news was that Tesla Motors will expand its infra-structure in Western Europe with 30 new charging stations and stores. The company is already the best selling solution in Norway, where supercharger power stations have been rolled out as a pilot.

Now Tesla will also continue rapid expansion of its Supercharger network, allowing Model S drivers to travel long distances across Europe for free.

In 2013, Tesla delivered 22,477 vehicles to customers worldwide. By the end of 2014, Tesla expects combined sales in Europe and Asia to be almost twice as high as sales in North America.

Elon Musk presented his vision and strategic master plan for Tesla Motors in a highly readable blog article which he wrote in 2006, and it says in short:

  1. Build a sports car
  2. Use that money to build an affordable car
  3. Use that money to build an even more affordable car
  4. While doing above, also provide zero emission electric power generation options

The company seems well on track to deliver.

1 comment

  1. Hi Jordan ,your article is very nice. I’ve learned about a care i liked? Thank you.I enjoy driving cars.Cars are the compleat presentation of mechanical and electrical engineering plus art and design, manufacturing and marketing with industrial engineering.
    I think car industry is one of the key,could save a lot in one countries economic.
    I hope i did not bored you with my opinion.
    With Regards

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