Logistic Park Conference 2013


I participated in the Logistic Park conference in Nässjö in Sweden today. It was a well attended conference with more than 60 C-level executives and some of the world ‘s foremost experts in Supply Chain Management and Lean, who were engaged as speakers, including Art Smalley, Sam McPherson, Christian Obbaeker Hansen and John Vellema.

The conference marked the start of Logistic Park Nässjö, which with more than 100 companies represents a unique focal point for issues related to logistics. Logistic Park Nässjö is a collaboration between companies with logistics-intensive businesses in the Nässjö area. Nässjö is the only city in Sweden with railway for six outgoing directions, and has one of the largest intermodal terminals in northern Europe. Due to demographic proximity to the market and a long tradition of logistical skills, many companies choose Nässjö as a location for distribution on the Scandinavian market.

The speakers had experience from such diverse places as Toyota, Lego and the U.S. Army Special Forces, having in common the ability to lead organisations towards greater efficiency through advanced flow analysis and leadership skills. I had the 10.00 to 12.00 speaker slot and I enjoyed the strong interaction from the conference audience. It felt more like a dialogue than giving a speech. Below is my presentation from today.

[slideshare id=28172535&doc=bearing-presentationvidlogisticparkconference2013inssj-131112145608-phpapp01]

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