Change management – an essential condition of a successful strategy implementation

The execution of a strategy is at least as important as the brilliance of the strategy itself, which means there is no successful strategy without using relevant tools to make it pragmatic and operational in the field. So, first of all, the successful implementation of a strategy stands on structuring and rational tools or techniques adapted to the organisation.

Change managementHowever implementing a strategy involves also a lot of changes for a company, as for example a part of its organisation, some work methods or job descriptions, the individual and collective objectives, the management system,… that result in emotional reactions from the people impacted by these changes, which brakes or blocks the implementation process.

These reactions may surprise some people, especially when the strategy seems obvious and understood by everyone. This is probably the reason why some managers don’t give attention enough to these emotional reactions, which finally may result in the failure of the strategy implementation. Therefore, the successful implementation of a strategy also stands on the management of all the changes following from this one.

We have prepared a case study on the topic, which can be downloaded here below.


The case study aims at understanding and analysing the reasons of these emotional reactions and sharing some principles to manage them efficiently in order to increase our chances of success for implementing a strategy.

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