Seminar on innovation and the dynamics of the markets at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

UPCToday I enjoyed doing a a seminar for the Executive MBI students at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona. The class was sharp and very eager to ask questions and get to know more.

The Master’s in Business Innovation (MBI) at the UPC is an executive education over 14 months designed to provide professionals with the tools they need to manage the growth of a business based on innovation and entrepreneurial capacity. Most of the students come from Spain and Latin America.

The MBI at UPC is unique for being run in collaboration with the innovation consultancy, Innopro Consulting SL, headed by Miquel Barcelo and Josep Ros and involving participation of business professionals and leading company directors from around the world.

Below is the presentation which I used in the seminar.

[slideshare id=22496925&doc=bearing-presentationforupcexecutivembi-2013-05-24-130605101411-phpapp02]

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