Trends for 2013 and beyond

Happy New YearI like predictability because I know what I’m getting into.”
– Katherine Heigl

2012 was a year of Big Data, Connected Consumers and Social Media, Co-innovation, Multi-dimensional Innovation and according to the Economist, the rise of Shared Value.

Shared Value may have been the most important newcomer. Rather than simply doling out checks to good causes, some corporations are starting to shift their business models, integrating social issues into their core strategies. Not surprising, Michael Porter was a pioneer in launching the term shared value, in a Harvard Business Review article. The concept reflects the growing belief that generating a profit and achieving social progress are not mutually exclusive goals. In other words, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Impact Investment.

Trends do not happen in isolation. They tend to intersect and work in tandem with each other. And many are extensions or outgrowths of trends we have seen for years. After all, trends with real significance cannot be assigned to just one calendar year.

What does 2013 have in store? The Economist have published a blog post that (not surprising) names continued economic global power shift, social “everything”, redefinition of value and “the next industrial revolution” as some global trends for the new year.

The Futurist Ross Dawson has published a map of what he thinks will appear and disappear in our lives in the new year and beyond. Click on the map below if you would like to see a larger version. The map is published on a on a Creative Commons license so it is free to download and share. Enjoy!

Life next year and beyond

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