News for East Sweden Business Region

Through competing in public procurement, Bearing has secured an exciting project with focus on business development, entrepreneurship, and organisational development for the expanding East Sweden Business Region (ESBR).

East Sweden is a region driven by the two principal cities of Linköping and Norrköping and eleven smaller towns. It has 430,000 inhabitants and covers an area of around 10,000 square kilometers.

The region is positioned on the east coast of the country, which is a location of great importance for Sweden over the centuries. Historically it has been a region of medieval royalty, aristocracy and trading posts, and it was also a key location during the industrial revolution. Today it is a strong innovation and knowledge focused region, yet with magical nature and exciting historical sites to visit.

From a business perspective, East Sweden is a single labour market with extensive commuting to the two main cities, also from surrounding regions. The region has well-developed support for business start-ups and new enterprises. There are approximately 40,000 companies in the region, within more than 540 different business sectors.

The region has extensive and advanced technology know-how in several industries, such as aviation and energy technology. There are a large number of spin-offs from Linköping University in terms of R&D-intensive companies.

The East Sweden Business Region organisation is a cooperation between local and regional partners, where growth issues are addressed relating to sustainable development of attractive environments for both businesses and inhabitants of the region. The region understands well that it is a region in Europe and it established an office in Brussels already 1997.

imageBearing Consulting delivers process support to the collaboration project between the East Sweden Region (Östsam), the 13 Municipalities in the region and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket). It aligns the “Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation” with the strategies of the region.

Identification of future strategic strengths and growth opportunities for the ESBR are part of the project, as is ensuring the compliance to the new Europe 2020 RIS3 (Smart Specialisation) framework, the national as well as regional innovation strategy, and the regional developmental programme.

Bearing Consulting will support the process of developing the regional leadership into a coordinated work model promoting growth in the East Sweden Business Region.

Peter Larsson, project manager for the East Sweden Business Region says:

imageThe regional leadership needs to be developed by means of clearly identifying responsibilities and mandates within the publicly financed growth supportive system. At the same time, we must learn how to bridge the gaps between the people who use the supportive system, and the support they need to succeed, in order to promote growth for the region. The competence and experience which Bearing Consulting has in these areas, specifically in their methodology for place management and regional development, including their impressive international network, are clearly valuable tools which we, through this cooperation, have been able to add to our plethora of project management tools.”

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