The Power of Talent

Kompetensmässan gruppThe report on what municipalities in Sweden are doing to attract talent that was published yesterday has been received  with great enthusiasm. Already before it was published we got a number of pre-orders from municipalities and other regional actors.

Highlighted findings from the study was presented in a seminar at the Competence Fair in Stockholm this afternoon by Christer Asplund, Johanne Öiestad and yours truly.

Despite the cold November day there was a large turnout at the fair and a great show of interest for the seminar. It was clear that everyone that was present agreed that talent attraction is one of the most important growth factors for a city or region. “Excellent message!” one of the participants exclaimed.

Kompetensmässan ChristerBy coincidence  yesterday I was at another seminar hosted by Entreprenörskapsforum (Swedish Entrepreneurship forum) where they presented a report together with Lund University, on the importance of and the effect large multinational Glofo-minicorporations have on the Swedish economy – Very important it would seem.

Actually, the future of the Swedish economy looks quite grim if the ongoing trend of large multinationals leaving the country continues.

However, at the same time, the positive effect if we succeed to attract new international companies, inward investments and competences to Sweden is almost unlimited.

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