Bearing’s Innovation Breakfast Seminar in Nässjö

Breakfast seminarI am pleased to inform you about Bearing’s Innovation breakfast seminar in Nässjö, Småland region in Sweden on Friday.

Today many business leaders face challenges on how to handle competition, which is quickly developing and increasing in relation to the unlimited access to the global market.

How do we recruit qualified employees to the business? And what do we do with the change of generation within management?

The next step is for all of us within trade and industry, business organizations, schools & social care and public stakeholders to set up common goals and visions for the future growth.

Be inspired by Jörgen Eriksson, Professor of Innovation Management and founder of Bearing Consulting Ltd.

When/Where: Träcentrum in Nässjö, Friday 26 October at 07.30.

Please click on the link for further information Bearing Consulting_breakfast seminar_Innovation_121026

A warm welcome!

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